Pazo Fine Art is pleased to announce System and Suprasystem: Eleven Drawings by Neil Williams, an online exclusive exhibition, exploring eleven drawings of the artist made in the ‘60s


Neil Williams was one of the artists Lawrence Alloway included in his Systemic Painting exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in 1966. While at that time very well known as an exemplary character, Williams traversed some difficult ground in the New York art world of the ’70s. He eventually found himself elsewhere, out on Long Island, with plans to move even farther afield. Williams died in 1988, much too young, his ambition for residency in Brazil unfulfilled. Subsequently, the impact of his work languished.

Nonetheless, it was Williams, perhaps more comprehensively than any of his more celebrated peers, who grasped the implications of boundary, flow, feedback, and synergy early in his practice. The eleven drawings of the ‘60s included in this online exhibition at PFA adhere to Alloway’s pluralist exposition of a horizontal axis of culture, and the communicative potential of new media.

While goal-directed in its execution, Williams allowed for objective modifications within the rigorous approach of his work. This differentiated it from that of his cohort. Stochastic properties of repetition and randomness were internalized within the focused whole of organizational principles at hand. In his exactitude, Williams looked past the mere formalism of the framing edge to focus attention upon that which regulated any system at composite levels. In hardcore cybernetic terms, this implicates the presence of a suprasystem, or that which today might be recognized as a type of artificial intelligence. It’s in this respect that the work of Neil Williams remains contemporary, vital, and visionary.


Text by Michael Zahn


August 27 - September 15, 2022

4228 Howard Ave Kensington, MD 20895
Open by appointment Tuesday - Saturday

Contact Luis Pazo:
(571) 315-5279
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